1. V. N. Yurin, New Materials and Technologies, Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference (2012) (Moscow, 2012), pp. 378–380.
2. S. Onstott, AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Essentials: Autodesk Official Training Guide (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2011).
3. E. L. Alshakova, AutoCAD Program Interface: Methodical Manuals on Performance of Laboratory Work No. 1, Southwest State University, Kursk, 2011, available at http://www.swsu.ru/structura/up/fsa/kafedra_agg/literatura/mu_autocad1.pdf.
4. E. L. Alshakova, AutoCAD Implementation of the Drawing of the Facade of the Building: Methodical Manuals on Performance of Laboratory Work No. 2, Southwest State University, Kursk, 2011, available at http://www.swsu.ru/structura/up/fsa/kafedra_agg/literatura/mu_autocad2.pdf.
5. E. L. Alshakova, AutoCAD Tools Drawing Commands: Methodical Manuals on Performance of Laboratory Work No. 3, Southwest State University, Kursk, 2011, available at http://www.swsu.ru/structura/up/fsa/kafedra_agg/literatura/mu_autocad3.pdf.