1. I.S Babanova, Application of artificial neural networks in the tasks of predicting energy consumption for enterprises of the mineral resource complex, Fundamental and applied research in the modern world, Materials of the IX International scientific-practical. conf. ( 2015), volume 1, pp. 128–134.
2. B.N. Abramovich, I.S. Babanova, Improvement of monitoring system commercial electricity accounting for compressor plants on the enterprises for gas industry. Efficiency and sustainability in the mineral industry innovation in Geology, Mining, Processing, Economics, Safety and Environmental Management. Scientific reports on resource issues ( 2015), TU Bergakademie Freiberg, value 1, pp. 383–386.
3. B.N. Abramovich, I.S. Babanova, Automated energy management systems for mining enterprises, Materials of the XII International Scientific School of Young Scientists and Specialists, November 23-27 ( 2015), p. 225–229.
4. B.N. Abramovich, I.S. Babanova, Application of artificial neural technologies in the process of teaching electrical disciplines. Modern educational technologies in teaching natural sciences and humanities: a collection of scientific papers of the II International scientific method. conf. April 09-10 ( 2015). "National Mineral Resources University" Mining "- St. Petersburg ( 2015), p. 229–234.
5. I.S. Babanova, B.N. Abramovich, Development of long-term planning of the power system based on the creation of a model of an artificial neural network, Materials of the XI International Scientific School of Young Scientists and Specialists, November 24-28 ( 2014), p. 388.