1. Regime of Improved Confinement and High Beta in Neutral-Beam-Heated Divertor Discharges of the ASDEX Tokamak
2. Summary of experimental progress and suggestions for future work (H mode confinement)
3. The effect of plasma shape on H-mode pedestal characteristics on DIII-D
4. Key ITER plasma edge and plasma–material interaction issues
5. A. Loarte , M. Sugihara , M. Shimada , A. Kukushkin , D. Campbell , M. Pick , C. Lowry , M. Merola , R. A. Pitts , V. Riccardo , G. Arnoux , W. Fundamenski , G. F. Matthews , S. Pinches , A. Kirk , E. Nardon , T. Eich , A. Herrmann , G. Pautasso , A. Kallenbach , G. Saibene , G. Federici , R. Sartori , G. Counsell , A. Portone , M. Cavinato , M. Lehnen , A. Huber , V. Philipps , D. Reiter , V. Kotov , R. Koslowski , G. Maddaluno , B. Lipschultz , D. Whyte , B. LaBombard , R. Granetz , A. Leonard , M. Fenstermacher , E. Hollman , P. C. Stangeby , M. Kobayashi , R. Albanese , G. Ambrosino , M. Ariola , G. de Tommasi , J. Gunn , M. Becoulet , L. Colas , M. Goniche , E. Faudot , and D. Milanesio , in the Proceedings of the 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland (2008); see http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Meetings/fec2008/it_p6-13.pdf.