1. W. Hofmann and the CTA consortium, “CTA - Status,” in Gamma 2016, AIP Conference Proceedings (2016).
2. S. Vercellone and the CTA consortium, “The Key Science Projects of the Cherenkov Telescope Array,” in Gamma 2016, AIP Conference Proceedings (2016).
3. G. Puehlhofer and the CTA consortium, “The medium size telescope of CTA,” (2016).
4. J.-F. Glicenstein and the CTA consortium, “NectarCAM: a camera for the medium size telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array,” in Gamma 2016, AIP Conference Proceedings (2016).
5. F. Eisenkolb and the CTA consortium, “An efficient test facility for the Cherenkov Telescope Array FlashCam readout electronics production,” in Gamma 2016, AIP Conference Proceedings (2016).