1. An 11.4% efficient polycrystalline thin film solar cell based on CuInS2 with a Cd-free buffer layer
2. M. A. Contreras, J. Tuttle, A. Gabor, A. Tennant, K. Ramanathan, S. Asher, A. Franz, J. Keane, L. Wang, and R. Noufi, inProceedings of the 1st World Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hawaii (IEEE, New York, 1994), p.
3. T. Walter, R. Menner, C. Köble, and H. W. Schock, inProceedings of the 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam (H. S. Stephens & Associates, 1994), p.
4. The electrical properties of polycrystalline silicon films
5. Formation of secondary phases in evaporated CuInS2 thin films: A surface analytical study