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2. D. Dimitrov, T. Szecsi, Machining accuracy on CNC lathes under the lack of unity of the process and design data, (Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems Procedia CIRP41 CMS 2015) pp. 824–828
3. D. Dimitrov Analysis of accuracy of coordinate measurements with 3D touch probe of machining center (International Journal - Institute of Knowledge Management, 2016, No 13.1, 2016, No 13.1) pp. 321–326, ISSN 1857-92.
4. D. Dimitrov, V. Karachorova, V. Mihov, T. Szecsi, Investigating the possibilities of compensating systematic errors of three-coordinate touch probes using contact signal. (Elsevier, Procedia Manufacturing, 2017, No Volume 13) pp. 450–457, ISSN: 2351-9789.
5. Accuracy and Reliability Control of Machining Operations on Machining Centres