1. Department of Energy,Integrated Data Base Report 1995: US Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste Inventories, Projections and Characteristics, DOE∕RW-0006, Revision 12, (1996).
2. Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Geologic Repositories, Code of Federal Regulations 60, section 60.2.
3. Department of Energy,Draft Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) For Managing Treatment, Storage, and Disposal of Radioactive and Hazardous Waste, DOE∕EIS-0200-D (1995).
4. Department of Energy,Integrated Data Base Report 1994: US Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste Inventories, Projections and Characteristics, DOE∕RW-0006, Revision 11, (1995).
5. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management,Closing the Circle on the Splitting of the Atom(1995).