1. S. Meyen, M. Montecchi, C. Kennedy, G. Zhu, M. Gray, J Crawford, S. Hiemer, W. Platzer, A. Heimsath, M. O’Neill, S. Ziegler, S. Brändle, A. Fernandez, R. Tirawat, T. Wendelin, M. Oddo, B. van Roedern, 2013, Parameters and method to evaluate the solar reflectance properties of reflector materials for concentrating solar power technology, version 2.5, SolarPACES guidelines, http://www.solarpaces.org/tasks/task-iii-solar-technology-and-advanced-applications/reflectance-measurement-guideline
2. S. Meyen, A. Fernández-García, C. Kennedy, E. Lüpfert, 2010. Standardization of Solar Mirror Reflectance Measurements – Round Robin Test; Solar Paces Conference 2010.
3. Hemispherical Reflectance Results of the SolarPACES Reflectance Round Robin
4. Approximated method for modelling hemispherical reflectance and evaluating near-specular reflectance of CSP mirrors
5. Upgrading of ENEA Solar Mirror Qualification Set-up