1. R. Chakoumakos, “Predicting Outbreak Severity through Machine Learning on Disease Outbreak Reports”, (Stanford Web, 2010) pp. 12–30.
2. Abhishek Shahasane Sagar Palao, Anjali Yeole, Siddhesh Dighe and Harsh Gupta “A Proposal for Epidemic Prediction using Deep Learning”, VESIT, Mumbai, VESIT, (Vol 4, Issue 3, Mar 2017) pp. 483–501.
3. F. Zambonelli, “Pervasive urban crowdsourcing: visions and challenges” (IEEE PERCOM Workshops. Seattle, USA, March 2011).
4. Jure Leskovec Excellent slides on “Graph Representation Learning” (Stanford Course 2018).
5. M. Miłkowski and J. Lipski, “Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics”, (4th Language and Technology Conference, 2009) pp. 58–62.