1. Faculty of Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science , Rehovot 7610001, Israel
We analyze and model fast-electron-induced Kα emission from an experiment in which a high-intensity ultra-short laser irradiated foil and bulk titanium targets. The motion of electrons inside the targets is calculated allowing for multiple scattering and collisional energy loss, while outside the target, electric fields of arbitrary configurations are assumed. It is shown that both the radial Kα-intensity distributions and the somewhat non-intuitive dependence of the absolute Kα emission on the target thickness can be reproduced by taking into account the fast-electron refluxing with an electric field configuration based on the target normal sheath acceleration model. We infer the presence of a sheath electric field on the order of TV/m, extending to about 100μm in the radial direction. In addition, we obtain a temporal profile of the Kα radiation.
German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development