1. W. Kuntze, Die Bruchgefahr bei metallischen Werkstoffe. Mitt. a. d. deutschen Material-prüfungsanstalten. Sonderheft 14, 1930, pages 60–61.
2. J. H. Andrew, Effect of Certain Elements on Segregation of Cementite and Its Effect on the Modification Process. Metallurgical Club Journal, Royal Technical College, Glasgow, 1929–30, No. 7, pages 16–17.
3. J. T. Adams, The Adams Family. Little, Brown & Company, 1930, p. 345.
4. H. H. Knox, Correspondence on Einstein’s special theory. Mining and Metallurgy12, April, 1931, page 206.
5. S. Dushman, quoted, News Edition, Industrial and Chemical Engineering9, April 19, 1931, p. 98.