Kinetic theory of nonrelativistic electron beam–inhomogeneous plasma system instability


Sukhomlinov Vladimir S.1ORCID,Mustafaev Alexander S.2ORCID,Koubaji Hend2ORCID,Timofeev Nikolai A.1ORCID,Hiller Oscar Gabriel Murillo2ORCID,Zissis Georges3ORCID


1. Department of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg 198504, Russia

2. Department of General and Technical Physics, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg 199106, Russia

3. Universite Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, LAPLACE - Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d'Energie, 118 route de Narbonne, Bat 3R3, 31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France


On the basis of kinetic theory, the stability of an electron beam interacting with inhomogeneous plasma is investigated at Knudsen numbers of the order of 1. The theory has been tested on the example of a low-voltage beam discharge in a rear gas. It is shown that in the case of an inhomogeneous plasma even if the attenuation of a beam is neglected, several perturbations can propagate simultaneously at the same frequency, but with different phase and group velocities and increments. The case of a linear dependence of the plasma density on the coordinate is investigated in detail. In this case, there are two solutions: n- and p-waves, only the n-wave having a physical meaning. It is found that an increase in the plasma density gradient leads to a decrease in the increment and an increase in the phase and group velocities of propagation of perturbations with a frequency of the order of plasma frequency. A system with a growing plasma density along the beam direction is more stable than that with a constant density. For a significant change in the growth rate of the disturbance, the relative gradient of plasma density by an amount of about 10% at the wavelength is sufficient. All the observed features of the perturbation parameters depending on the plasma density gradient are physically interpreted. The calculations are confirmed by experimental data.


Russian Science Foundation

Foundation for the Advancement of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics


AIP Publishing


Condensed Matter Physics

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