Underdamped longitudinal soft modes in ionic crystallites—lattice and charge motions observed by ultrafast x-ray diffraction


Gonzalez-Vallejo Isabel1ORCID,Koç Azize1,Reimann Klaus1ORCID,Woerner Michael1ORCID,Elsaesser Thomas1ORCID


1. Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie, 12489 Berlin, Germany


Soft modes in crystals are lattice vibrations with frequencies that decrease and eventually vanish as the temperature approaches a critical point, e.g., a structural change due to a phase transition. In ionic para- or ferroelectric materials, the frequency decrease is connected with a diverging electric susceptibility and, for infrared active modes, a strong increase in oscillator strength. The traditional picture describes soft modes as overdamped transverse optical phonons of a hybrid vibrational-electronic character. In this context, potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4, KDP) has been studied for decades as a prototypical material with, however, inconclusive results regarding the soft modes in its para- and ferroelectric phase. There are conflicting assignments of soft-mode frequencies and damping parameters. We report the first observation of a longitudinal underdamped soft mode in paraelectric KDP. Upon impulsive femtosecond Raman excitation of coherent low-frequency phonons in the electronic ground state of KDP crystallites, transient powder diffraction patterns are recorded with femtosecond hard x-ray pulses. Electron density maps derived from the x-ray data reveal oscillatory charge relocations over interatomic distances, much larger than the sub-picometer nuclear displacements, a direct hallmark of soft-mode behavior. The strongly underdamped character of the soft mode manifests in charge oscillations persisting for more than 10 ps. The soft-mode frequency decreases from 0.55 THz at T =  295 K to 0.39 THz at T =  175 K. An analysis of the Raman excitation conditions in crystallites and the weak damping demonstrate a longitudinal character. Our results extend soft-mode physics well beyond the traditional picture and pave the way for an atomic-level characterization of soft modes.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


AIP Publishing


Spectroscopy,Condensed Matter Physics,Instrumentation,Radiation

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