1. The Characteristics of Electrical Discharges in Magnetic Fields, edited by D. Bohm et al. (McGraw–Hill, New York, 1949).
2. B. N. Makov, Russian Patent No. N805862, Moscow (1979).
3. B. N. Makov, Proceedings of the 5th All-Union Conference on Plasma Accelerators and Ion Injectors, Moscow, 1982, p. 82.
4. B. N. Makov and D. I. Yartsev, inIon Injectors and Plasma Accelerators, edited by A. I. Morozov and N. N. Semashko (Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1989), p. 188.
5. B. N. Makov, Proceedings of the 10th All-Union Conference on Charged Particle Accelerators, Dubna, 1987, Vol. 2, p. 3.