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2. M. Žáček, D. Homola, D. Analysis of the English morphology by semantic networks, in Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2017, Greece. USA: American Institute of Physics Inc., 2017.
3. M. Žáček, D. Homola, R. Miarka, Concepts of Formal Concept Analysis, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2016, ICNAAM 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2016, Rhodos, Greece. USA: American Institute of Physics Inc., 2017.
4. R. Miarka, M. Žáček, Knowledge patterns for conversion of sentences in natural language into RDF graph language. In: Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. USA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011. pp. 63–68.
5. M. Žáček, Ontology or Formal ontology ICNAAM 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2016, Rhodos, Greece. USA: American Institute of Physics Inc., 2017.