1. L. Lees, “A kinetic theory description of rarefied gas flows,” GALCIT Memo. 51 (1959).
2. Equations (3b, c) are only valid when ūx = 0. Strictly, this should first be proved from (3a) and boundary condition (4) below.
3. J. K. Haviland, “Monte Carlo application to molecular flows,” M.I.T. Fluid Dynamics Research Laboratory Rept. 61-5 (1961), Appendix B.
4. M. L. Lavin, “A Monte Carlo solution for heat transfer in rarefied gases,” M.I.T. Fluid Dynamics Research Laboratory Rept. 61-3 (1961), Appendix C.
5. L. Lees, “Kinetic theory description of plane compressible Couette flow,” GALCIT Memo. 58 (1960).