1. B. A. Trubnikov, inReviews of Plasma Physics, edited by M. A. Leontovich (Consultants Bureau, New York, 1979), Vol. 7, p. 345.
2. Current Maintenance in Tokamaks by Use of Synchrotron Radiation
3. Creating an Asymmetric Plasma Resistivity with Waves
4. Current generation in a relativistic plasma
5. Equation (5) is the basic equation of the present work. It is obtained using an ad hoc kinetic equation mixed with Fisch-Boozer theory to obtain ν(γ). As suggested by the referee, it is possible to derive Eq. (5) by a consistent application of the Fisch-Boozer impulse-response function model. In particular, the impulse-response method gives the incremental efficiency δJδP = emc1γνN∥+p∥mcγν∂∂γ1γν, where δP = 4πe2mnDnδγ−nωcω−N∥p∥mcLnfm is the power absorbed per unit momentum space volume. From these two equations it is easy to obtain Eq. (5). We thank the referee for this valuable suggestion.