1. A. G. Es’kov, R. Kh. Kurtmullaev, A. P. Kreshchuck, Ya. N. Laukhin, A. I. Malyutin, A. I. Markin, Yu. S. Martyushov, B. N. Mironov, M. M. Orlov, A. P. Proshletsov, V. N. Semyenov, and Yu. B. Sosunov, inPlasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research(IAEA, Vienna, 1978), Vol. II, p. 187.
2. R. K. Linford, W. T. Armstrong, D. A. Platts, and E. G. Sherwood, inPlasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research(IAEA, Vienna, 1978), Vol. II, p. 447.
3. Field-reversed experiments (FRX) on compact toroids
4. Flux-trapping during the formation of field-reversed configurations
5. Suppression of the n=2 rotational instability in field-reversed configurations