1. D. Shu, H. Yan, and J. Maser, to be published in Proceedings of SRI-2008, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A, Saskatoon, Canada, 2008.
2. U.S. Patent granted No. 7,597,475, D. Shu, H. Yan, and J. Maser, Oct. 2009.
3. Laminar linear weak-link mechanisms with sub-centimeter travel range and sub-nanometer positioning resolution
4. Optomechanical Design of a Multilayer Laue Lens Test Bed for 10-nm Focusing of Hard X-rays
5. U.S. Patent granted No. 6,607,840, Redundantly constrained laminar structure as weak-link mechanisms, D. Shu, T. S. Toellner, and E. E. Alp, 2003.