1. University spin-out companies: Technology start-ups from UT-Austin
2. W. Sutopo, R. W. Astuti, A. Purwanto, M. Nizam, “Commercialization model of new technology lithium ion battery: a case study for Smart Electrical Vehicle,” International Conference On Rural Information &Communication Technoloogy and Electric-Vehicle Technology, 2013.
3. R. W. Astuti, Yuniaristanto, W. Sutopo, A. Purwanto, and M. Nizam, “Timing model to launch spin-off company: the case study of mini manufacturing plant of 10kwh li-ion batteries,” Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Vol II, 2014.
4. W. Sutopo, Overview Research and Trend in Areas of Logistics and Business System. Surakarta: Departement of Industrial Engineering Sebelas Maret University, 2014.
5. C. Kusuma, W. Sutopo, Yuniaristanto, S. Hardiyono, M. Nizam, “Incubation scheme of the university spin off to commercialize the invention in Sebelas Maret University,” Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Vol II, 2015.