Generic low-density corrections to the equation of state of chain molecules with repulsive intermolecular forces


van Westen Thijs1ORCID,Rehner Philipp2ORCID,Vlugt Thijs J. H.3ORCID,Gross Joachim1ORCID


1. Institute of Thermodynamics and Thermal Process Engineering, University of Stuttgart 1 , Pfaffenwaldring 9, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

2. Energy and Process Systems Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering 2 , ETH Zurich, Tannenstrasse 3, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland

3. Engineering Thermodynamics, Process & Energy Department, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology 3 , Leeghwaterstraat 39, Delft 2628CB, The Netherlands


Molecular-based equations of state for describing the thermodynamics of chain molecules are often based on mean-field like arguments that reduce the problem of describing the interactions between chains to a simpler one involving only nonbonded monomers. While for dense liquids such arguments are known to work well, at low density they are typically less appropriate due to an incomplete description of the effect of chain connectivity on the local environment of the chains’ monomer segments. To address this issue, we develop three semi-empirical approaches that significantly improve the thermodynamic description of chain molecules at low density. The approaches are developed for chain molecules with repulsive intermolecular forces; therefore, they could be used as reference models for developing equations of the state of real fluids based on perturbation theory. All three approaches are extensions of Wertheim’s first-order thermodynamic perturbation theory (TPT1) for polymerization. The first model, referred to as TPT1-v, incorporates a second-virial correction that is scaled to zero at liquid-like densities. The second model, referred to as TPT1-y, introduces a Helmholtz-energy contribution to account for correlations between next-nearest-neighbor segments within chain molecules. The third approach, called TPT-E, directly modifies TPT1 without utilizing an additional Helmholtz energy contribution. By employing TPT1 at the core of these approaches, we ensure an accurate description of mixtures and enable a seamless extension from chains of tangentially bonded hard-sphere segments of equal size to hetero-segmented chains, fused chains, and chains of soft repulsive segments (which are influenced by temperature). The low-density corrections implemented in TPT1 are designed to preserve these good characteristics, as confirmed through comparisons with novel molecular simulation results for the pressure of various chain fluids. TPT1-v exhibits excellent transferability across different chain types, but it relies on knowing the second virial coefficient of the chain molecules, which is non-trivial to obtain and determined here using Monte Carlo simulation. The TPT1-y model, on the other hand, achieves comparable accuracy to TPT1-v while being fully predictive, requiring no input besides the geometry of the chain molecules.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


AIP Publishing







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