1. S. Apostolov, M. Stoenchev, V. Todorov, One parameter family of elliptic curves and the equation x4 + y4 + kx2y2 = z4, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2020)
2. On the Equation x4 + mx2y2 + y4 = z2
3. x4 + dx2y2 + y2= z2: Some cases with only trivial solutions—and a solution Euler missed
4. J.W.S. Cassels, Lectures on elliptic curves, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
5. L. Euler, De casibus quibus formulam x4 + mxxyy + y4 ad quadratum reducere licet, Mem.acad.sci. St. Petersbourg 7 (1815/16, 1820), 10-22