1. Deloitte, 2014, Africa is ready to leapfrog the competition through smart cities technology, available-at http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/za/Documents/public-sector/ZA_SmartCities_12052014.pdf.
2. Input from Austria to the CSTD secretariat. See also UniverCity, 2015, Overview, available at http://univercity2015.net/en/standorte/getreidemarkt/plus_energy_office_high_rise_building/overview
3. Benevolo C., Dameri R.P., D’Auria B., Smart Mobility in Smart City. Action Taxonomy, ICT, Intensity and Public Benefits- http://www.masdar.ae/ 11.11.2018
4. Stawasz D., Sikora-Fernandez D. (2015). Zarz5. Al-Hader, M., Rodzi, A., Sharif, A. R., & Ahmad, N. (2009a). Smart city components architecture. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, (ctBrno, Czech Republic, Sep 7-9