1. R. F. Probstein, WADC TN No. 58-145, Division of Engineering, Brown University (1958). See alsoRarefied Gas Dynamics, Proceedings of First Symposium held at Nice(Pergamon Press, London, 1958), p. 416.
2. Viscous Aerodynamic Characteristics in Hypersonic Rarefied Gas Flow
3. Hypersonic Flow Near the Forward Stagnation Point of a Blunt Body of Revolution
4. See also Rept. No. 338, Aeronaut. Research Inst. University of Tokyo (1958).
5. After the work of references 1 and 3 a report by H. Hoshizaki appeared [Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Rept, LMSD-48381,2, 9 (1959)], in which he also independently considered the constant-density viscous layer on a sphere.