1. R. C. Cass, S. E. Fletcher, C. T. Mortimer, P. G. Quincey, and H. D. Springall, J. Chem. Soc.1958, 958.
2. The product yields, per mole of (CH3)2NNO2 decomposed, were: 0.80 (CH3)2NNO, 0.14 CH3NO2, 0.09 CO2, 0.05 CO, 0.44 H2O, 0.06 NO2, 0.08 NO, and 0.13 N2.
3. For a review of this subject, see C. Huggett,Combustion Processes, edited by B. Lewis, R. N. Pease, and H. S. Taylor (Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1956), pp. 514–529.