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2. Bechasnov, P.M., Stanishevskiy, G.Y., Pavlyuchenko, V.A., Kotlovskikh, P.P., Lazarev, N.D., Glushak, D.A. Preliminary estimation of a possibility to create a self-supporting colony in natural cavities of Mars // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2019.
3. Biktimirov, S., Ivanov, A., Lipkis, R., Toporkov, A., Skobelev, P., Tsarev, A., Kharlan, A. Near-earth asteroids utilization as a base for building of Earth-Mars-moon economy // Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. – 2018.
4. Application of Special Mechanical Devices to Adapt the Descent from the Conditions of Mars to the Conditions of the Earth
5. Ryan Whitley, Markus Landgraf, Naoki Sato, Martin Picard, Kandyce Goodliff, Keith Stephenson, Shinichiro Narita, Yves Gonthier, Aidan Cowley, Shahrzad Hosseini, Rogier Schonenborg Global Exploration Roadmap Derived Concept for Human Exploration of the Moon // Global Space Exploration Conference (GLEX) 2017. – 2017.