1. Kinetic Equations for Plasma and Radiation
2. N. Rostoker and A. Simon Nucl. Fusion Suppl., Pt. 2, 761 (1962).
3. It is shown by Heitler [W. Heitler,The Quantum Theory of Radiation(Oxford University Press, London, 1954)] that 〈U〉 can be expressed as 〈U〉 = (2V)−1 ∑λ∫(ωλ2qλ2+υλ2)f(qλ,υλ,t)dqλ dυλ. ∑λ is a sum over all the radiation modes, and ωλ = ckλ where kλ is the wavenumber of the λth mode, andVis the volume of the plasma.
4. Exact Relativistic Fokker-Planck Coefficients for a Plasma
5. R. Fante, Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University (1963).