1. F. Pedrotti, L. Pedrotti, W. Bausch, H. Schmidt, Introduction to Optics (originally in German: Optik für Ingenieure) (ISBN 3-540-22813-6), Springer, 2005
2. Sandstorm erosion testing of anti-reflective glass coatings for solar energy applications
3. Optical breathing of nano-porous antireflective coatings through adsorption and desorption of water
4. A. Morales, G. San Vicente: Catalogue of Best Practices of RAISELIFE project. To be published in 2020.
5. M. Arntzen, S. Dreyer, J. Specht, T. Kuckelkorn, M. Schmidt, A. Sauerborn. Accelerated Ageing Tests on Schott PTR 70 HCE, SolarPACES 2011, Granada, Spain, (2011)