First direct measurement of electron and positron bunch characteristics at the positron source of the SuperKEKB B-factory


Suwada Tsuyoshi1ORCID


1. Accelerator Laboratory, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan and School of High Energy Accelerator Science, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) , Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan


Electron (e−) and positron (e+) bunch characteristics were directly measured for the first time by using wideband beam monitors (WBMs) and a detection system at the e+ source of the SuperKEKB B-factory. Secondarily generated e− and e+ bunches after the e+-production target were identified in their dynamical capture process at locations of the WBMs under a two-bunch acceleration scheme. The longitudinal and transverse bunch characteristics, the time intervals between the e− and e+ bunches, the bunch lengths, transverse bunch positions, and bunch charges were simultaneously separately measured for each bunch as functions of the capture phase to investigate their dynamical capture process. The results show that quite symmetric behaviors of the e− and e+ bunch characteristics were observed. The new WBMs open up a new window for direct measurements of both e− and e+ bunches during their dynamical capture process and in the optimization procedure of the e+ bunch intensity in multidimensional parameter spaces at any e+ sources.




AIP Publishing


General Physics and Astronomy

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