1. A. T. Grigoryan Mechanics from antiquity to the present day, second edition (Publishing house: “Science”, 1974), p. 481.
2. B. T. Emtsev, Technical hydromechanics, 2nd edition (Mashinostroenie, 1987), p. 440.
3. E. L. Melnikov, Cold stamping of bottoms (Mechanical engineering, 1976), p. 184.
4. L. N. Ilyin and I. E. Semyonov, Sheet stamping technology, (Bustard, 2009), p. 475.
5. N. P. Ageev, G. A. Danilin and V. P. Ogorodnikov, Production technology of small arms cartridges, part 2, Technological foundations for the design of cartridges (Balt. state tech. un-t. - SPB., 2005), p. 533.