1. Lecturers' perspective of student online feedback system: A case study
2. Harita Khanna, Sunanda Panigraha, Delsy Madeira, Sana Shaikh, “Semantic based Automated FeedbackSystem”, Under Graduate project report 2013–14, DonBosco Institute of Technology.
3. Gautama R. Raithatha, “Knowledge Extraction forSemantic Web”, Knowledge Extraction for Semantic Web, ISSN 2321-9939.
4. B. Madhuravani, N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, K.Sai Prasad, B.Dhanalaxmi, V. Uma Maheswari, “Strong and Secure Mechanism for Data Storage in Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 8, No. 1.3, 2019, ISSN 2278-3091
5. Madhuravani, Lakshmi Anusha, Sarma KSRK, “IMAGE PROCESSING USING BINARY IMAGE, GRAY SCALE COLOR IMAGE AND HISTOGRAM”, National Conference on Data Modelling, Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition DMIAPR-2011 held on 30th Sep & 1stOct organized by Gitam Institute Of Technology, GITAM University.