1. For a pedagogical review see A. Caticha, Entropic Inference and the Foundations of Physics (monograph commissioned by the 11th Brazilian Meeting on Bayesian Statistics – EBEB-2012); http://www.albany.edu/physics/ACaticha-EIFP-book.pdf.
2. Entropic dynamics, time and quantum theory
3. A. Caticha, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 504, 012009 (2014); arXiv.org:1403.3822.
4. A. Caticha, D. Bartolomeo, M. Reginatto, in Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, ed. by Mohammad-Djafari, A. and Barbaresco, F. AIP Conf. Proc. 1641, 155 (2015); arXiv.org:1412.5629.
5. Entropic Dynamics