1. W. B. Herrmannsfeldt, in1976 ERDA Summer Study of Heavy Ions for Inertial Fusion, edited by R. O. Bangerter, W. B. Herrmannsfeldt, D. L. Judd, and L. Smith (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif. 1976), LBL 5543 p. 25.
2. D. Tidman, inProceedings of the Heavy Ion Fusion Workshop, edited by L. W. Smith (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y., 1977), p. 52.
3. On the propagation of energetic ion beams through a fusion target chamber
4. Propagation and Defocusing of Intense Ion Beams in a Background Plasma
5. E. P. Lee, in1976 ERDA Summer Study of Heavy Ions for Inertial Fusion, edited by R. O. Bangerter, W. B. Herrmannsfeldt, D. L. Judd, and L. Smith (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif. 1976), LBL 5543 p. 89.