1. The Theory of Five-Dimensional Toroidal Hyperuniverse in Three-Dimensional Time
2. R. V. Khachaturov “The exchange of matter and energy between parallel Universes from the point of view of the Hyperuniverse theory”, Gagarin collection. XLIV International socio-scientific readings dedicated to the memory of Yuri Gagarin (Gagarin, March 2017). - Gagarin: CF of the Yuri Gagarin Memorial Museum, 2017. – pp. 420–444.
3. R. V. Khachaturov “Dynamics of changes in the size of the Universe and the nature of gravity in accordance with the mathematical model and theory of the Hyperuniverse”, Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Modeling of the coevolution of nature and society: problems and experience. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician N.N. Moiseev (Moiseev–100)”, Moscow, November 7– 10, 2017. – Scientific publication: FRC CSC RAS, 2017. – pp. 93–102
4. Theoretical possibility of transferring matter between parallel universes in accordance with the Hyperuniverse theory
5. General structure of multidimensional closed time from the hyperuniverse theory point of view