1. General Atomics P.O. Box 85608, San Diego, California 92186-5608, USA
2. CREATE/University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy
3. ITER Organization, St. Paul Lez durance Cedex, France
4. Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
5. Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany
6. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-0451, USA
7. Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
8. CEA, IRFM, 13108 St. Paul-lez Durance, France
9. Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA