1. Indian Institute of Science Mondal Laboratory, Department of Instrumentation & Applied Physics, , Bangalore 560012, India
Light has been treated both as a ray (in ray optics) and as a wave (in wave optics). While light behaves in both ways depending on the dimension of obstacles or apertures around or through which it passes, it is observed to have electric effects and interacts with electric charges. In addition, light also exhibits non-zero magnetic effects. A close inspection, however, reveals that there are indeed two types of fields (electric and magnetic) associated with light. In fact, these field properties along with their configuration enable light to travel through a vacuum (medium-free) for long distances (e.g., between galaxies). In this chapter, we will lay the foundation of electromagnetic optics and discuss light propagation through a variety of media (vacuum, dielectric, and conductive). Moreover, we will discuss the polarization of light, polarization-active optical elements, and the vectorial states of light.
AIP Publishing LLCMelville, New York