1. https://news.toshiba.com/press-releases/press-release-details/2023/Toshiba-Brings-SQBM-its-Quantum-Inspired-Optimization-Solution--to-AWS-Marketplace/default.aspx
2. Patrick Bruskiewich, “Using the Bifurcation Algorithm to Define the Kuiper Belt and Kuiper Cliff”, Researchgate, Oct 2020
3. Shahram Aghaei, Abolghasem Daeichian, “A Graphical-Based Method for Plotting Local Bifurcation Diagram”, arXivpreprint arXiv:2105.10938, 2021
4. Inverse bifurcation analysis: application to simple gene systems
5. Bifurcations from degenerate orbits of solutions of nonlinear elliptic systems