1. Lower-Hybrid Current Drive in the PLT Tokamak
2. Observation of Lower-Hybrid Current Drive at High Densities in the AlcatorCTokamak
3. C. Gormezano, P. Blanc, H. Hottollier, P. Briand, G. Briffod, P. Chabert, M. Clément, A. Girard, W. Hess, G. T. Hoang, G. Ichtchenko, G. Melin, F. Parlamge, J. C. Vallet, and D. Van Houtte, inRadio Frequency Plasma Heating, Proceedings of the 6th Topical Conference, Callaway Gardens, GA, 1985 (AIP, New York, 1985), p. 111.
4. Confining a Tokamak Plasma with rf-Driven Currents
5. Numerical studies of current generation by radio-frequency traveling waves