1. Theory of stimulated scattering processes in laser-irradiated plasmas
2. R. Z. Sagdeev and A. A. Galeev,Nonlinear Plasma Theory(Benjamin, New York, 1969), p. 16.
3. Higher order mode coupling in which backseattered waves decay into further backscatter waves leading to a broadening of the pump is seen in periodic simulations, e.g., when mode 16 is initialized in a region 128 c∕ωpe long with υ0∕c = 0.1, υc∕c = 0.014, ω0 = 1.2 ωpe, Mi∕me = 100, and Te∕Ti = 10.
4. Parametric Excitation of Electromagnetic Waves
5. Model of Parametric Excitation by an Imperfect Pump