1. “FILTRN 1180∕1280 RS-232 FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM,” available from: Nicolet Analytical Instruments, 5225-1 Verona Road, P. O. Box 4508, Madison, WI 53711-0508.
2. Further information on SEMI-SECS standards is available from Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute, Inc., 625 Ellis Street, Suite 212, Mountain View, CA 94043.
3. UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories. DEXTER∕2, TMON, and NICOS are trademarks of Nicolet Analytical Instruments, 5225 Verona Road, P. O. Box 4508, Madison, WI 53711-0508.
4. The documentation and executable software for this data-transfer system are available from the author (mail stop 1C-333) as time allows. The author and his organization are not supporting these programs, but problems brought to his attention may be repaired as time allows.
5. MS-DOS and GW-BASIC are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, Kirkland, WA 98033.