1. Dynamics of Cyclic Machines
2. I. I. Blekhman, Vibration Mechanics and Vibration Rheology (theory and applications) (Fismatlit, Moscow, 2018), p. 52.
3. I. Y. Fedorenko, Vibration processes and devices in agro-industrial complex: monograph (EPD of Altai State Agrarian University, Barnaul, 2016), p. 289.
4. L. A. Vaisberg, Design and Calculation of Vibrating Screens (Nedra, Moscow, 1986), p. 144.
5. Handbook: Vibration in Technics Vol 4. Vibration processes and machines, edited by E. E. Levendel (Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1981), p. 509.