1. T. Scheffer and J. Nehring,Liquid Crystals Applications and Uses, edited by B. Bahadur (World Scientific, Singapore, 1990), Vol. 1.
2. M. Oh-e, M. Ohta, S. Aratani, and K. Kondo,Proceedings of the 12th International Display Conference(Society of Information Display and the Institution of Television Engineers of Japan, Hamatsu, 1995), p. 577.
3. M. Ohta, M. Oh-e, and K. Kondo,Proceedings of the 12th International Display Conference(Society for Information Display and the Institution of Television Engineers of Japan, Hamatsu, 1995), p. 707.
4. N. Yamada, S. Kohzaki, F. Funada, and K. Awane,Digest of Technical Papers of 1995 Society for Information Display International Symposium(Society for Information Display, Orlando, 1995), p. 575.
5. S. Kohzaki, N. Yamada, Y. Ishii, F. Funada, and K. Awane,Digest of Technical Papers of 1996 Society for Information Display International Symposium(Society for Information Display, San Diego, 1996), p. 630.