1. S.N. Klepikov, Calculation of Structures on an Elastic Base (Budivelnik, Kiev, 1967).
2. A.I. Vesnitsky, Waves in Systems with Moving Boundaries and Loads (Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2001).
3. A.I. Vesnitsky, Selected works on mechanics, (Nash Dom Publishing House, Nizhny Novgorod, 2010)
4. I.I. Ivanchenko, Dynamics of Transport Structures: High-Speed Mobile, Seismic and Shock Loads (Nauka, Moscow, 2011).
5. A.V. Metrikine, S.N. Verichev and A.V. Vostrukhov, Fundamental Problems of High-Speed Ground Transport (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2014).