1. L. J. Laslett, V. K. Neil, and A. M. Sessler, “Transverse Resistive Instabilities of Intense Coasting Beams in Particle Accelerators,” Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Rept. UCRL-11090, 1963.
2. Experimental results and theoretical developments relevant to this process were discussed in an informal conference sponsored by the MURA group (27–30 October 1963).
3. “The Stacked Beam Instability in the MURA 50-MeV Accelerator,” Technical note of MURA Staff, 17 June 1963.
4. G. K. O’Neill, “Proceedings of the 1963 Summer Study on Storage Rings, Accelerators and Experimentation at Super High Energies,” BNL 7534, 1963, p. 375.
5. Cosmotron Internal Report, MQB-7, “A Summary of the Cosmotron Experiments on the Coherent Vertical Instability,” November 1963.