1. J. L. Hirshfield, G. V. Sotnikov, T. C. Marshall, and S. V. Shchelkunov, “A Fast Kicker Using a Rectangular Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator Structure”, in Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference 2009 (Vancouver, Canada, 2009), pp. 4267–4269.
2. Comparison of experimental tests and theory for a rectangular two-channel dielectric wakefield accelerator structure
3. J. G. Power et al., “A Fast Kicker for a Staged Dielectric Two-Beam Wakefield Accelerator” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA), pp. 2702–2704.
4. Coaxial two-channel high-gradient dielectric wakefield accelerator
5. 5 upgradable to 25 keV free electron laser facility