Tuning the electronic and optical properties of small organic acenedithiophene molecular crystals for photovoltaic applications: First principles calculations


Lazaar Koussai1ORCID,Gueddida Saber2ORCID,Said Moncef3ORCID,Lebègue Sébastien2ORCID


1. Laboratoire des Nanomatériaux et Systèmes pour les Énergies Renouvelables (LaNSER), Centre de Recherches et des Technologies de l’Energie 1 , Technopole Borj-Cedria, Hammam Lif 2050, Tunisia

2. Univ. Lorraine, LPCT, CNRS UMR7019 2 , F-54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France

3. Université de Monastir, Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Laboratoire de la Matière Condensée et des Nanosciences (LMCN) 3 , LR11ES40, Avenue de l’Environnement, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia


Periodic density functional theory was employed to investigate the impact of chemical modifications on the properties of π-conjugated acenedithiophene molecular crystals. Here, we highlight the importance of the β-methylthionation effect, the position of the sulfur atoms of the thiacycle group and their size, and the number of central benzene rings in the chemical modification strategy. Our results show that the introduction of the methylthio groups at the β-positions of the thiophene and the additional benzene ring at the center of the BDT crystal structure are a promising strategy to improve the performance of organic semiconductors, as observed experimentally. We found that β-MT-ADT exhibits large charge carrier mobility, which is in good agreement with the experimental results and comparable to that of rubrene. In addition, the electronic and optical properties of these ambipolar materials suggest promising performances with β-MT-ADT > ADT >β-MT-NDT > NDT > BEDT-BDT >β-MT-BDT > BDT. Moreover, functionalization with thiacycle-fused sulfur atoms of different sizes and numbers improve the properties of BDT but is still less efficient than the methylthionation effect. Overall, our findings suggest a promising molecular modification strategy for possibly high performance ambipolar organic semiconducting materials.


Université de Lorraine


AIP Publishing


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,General Physics and Astronomy








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