1. Neutron measurements on Joint European Torus using an NE213 scintillator with digital pulse shape discrimination
2. Compact NE213 neutron spectrometer with high energy resolution for fusion applications
3. ITER relevant developments in neutron diagnostics during the JET Trace Tritium campaign
4. L. Bertalot, S. Conroy, A. Murari, M. Reginatto, H. Schuhmacher, A. Zimbal, and JET-EFDA Contributors , Proceedings of the 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Tarragona, Spain, 27 June–1 July 2005, ECA, 2005 (unpublished), Vol. 29C, Paper No. P-1.078.
5. A. Zimbal, H. Klein, M. Reginatto, H. Schuhmacher, L. Bertalot, A. Murari, and the JET-EFDA Contributors , Proceedings of the International Workshop on Fast Neutron Detectors and Applications, 2006, p. 035, see http://pos.sissa.it//archive/conferences/025/035/FNDA2006_035.pdf.