1. and I. Prigogine,The Molecular Theory of Solutions(North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1957), Chap. XIX].
2. T. R. Roberts and B. K. Swartz, inProceedings of the Second Symposium on Liquid and Solid Helium Three(Ohio State University Press, Columbus, Ohio, 1960), pp. 158–172. These authors have employed 55E scale of temperature in their work. It is expected that the use of the recent He3 scale (see R. H. Sherman, S. G. Sydoriak, and T. R. Roberts, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LAMS-2701) would alter the values of excess functions to a certain extent. This in turn will have an effect on our values of nonideality parameters in the theoretical expressions. However, no major changes in the pattern of agreement are anticipated.