1. Exploring the role of telemedicine in improving access to healthcare services by women and girls in rural Nepal
2. World Health Organization, Telemedicine: Opportunities and developments in Member States, 2010. Accessed: Oct 10, 2020. Available: https://www.who.int/goe/publications/goe_telemedicine_2010.pdf.
3. Telemedicine in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic
4. Telemedicine in the Time of Coronavirus
5. Y. Prasidya, Major Indonesian hospitals go digital to tap into growing telemedicine market. Accessed: Sep 20, 2020. Available: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/05/20/major-indonesian-hospitals-go-digital-to-tap-into-growing-telemedicine-market.html.