1. Finite-Resistivity Instabilities of a Sheet Pinch
2. S. V. Mirnov and I. B. Seraenov, inPlasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research(IAEA, Vienna, 1971), Vol. II, p. 401.
3. The role of impurities in producing thermal instability in Ohmically heated plasmas
4. Nonlinear, single-helicity magnetic reconnection in the reversed-field pinch
5. J. A. Phillips, D. A. Baker, L. C. Burkhardt, R. Erickson, A. Haberstich, J. C. Ingraham, E. M. Little, J. G. Melton, K. F. Schoenberg, R. G. Watt, P. G. Weber, and G. Wurden (private communication).